Terms and Conditions Agreement

By accessing and using www.lmametal.com, you agree with our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions listed on PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium official website.

Terms and Conditions on www.lmametal.com

These terms and conditions explain about the regulations and conditions of the use of PT Langgeng Makmur Aluminium, at www.lmametal.com.

The following terminology definitions apply to Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and all agreements listed on the website. “You”, “Visitors”, “Your(s)”, and “Customers” refer to people visiting this website. “We”, “Us”, “The Company”, and “Our Company” refer to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium. All terms refer to offers, reception, and payment consideration are necessary to help us provide service to meet customers’ needs.


By accessing PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium official website, you agree to use cookies according to the privacy policy set by PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium. Most of the website interacts using cookies to obtain details about your visit. Cookies are used on our website to optimize our website performance to make it more convenient to use, in accordance to visitors’ preferences. Some affiliates might also use the cookies.


PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium and/or licensor are entitled to intellectual property rights in regards to all materials which belong to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium, unless stated otherwise. All intellectual property rights are protected by the regulations. You can access this via PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium for your personal use with limitations established in the following terms and and conditions.

You are not allowed to do the following:

  • Republishing some or all materials which belong to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium
  • Selling, renting, or sublicensing some or all materials which belong to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium
  • Reusing, duplicating, or copying some or all materials which belong to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium
  • Distributing or redistributing some or all materials which belong to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium


This agreement are valid since this is issued.

Content Links on www.lmametal.com

The following parties may link contents to our website without prior written permission:
1. Government Agencies

2. Search Engines

3. Media Companies

4. Distributor network/reseller of our company, with the same methods, such as hyperlink to other listed business websites.

The aforementioned parties may link to our website homepage, publication, or other web information when the information:

1. Is not used to commit fraud or other negative objectives

2. Does not imply erroneous endorsement, support, or approval from relevant parties and products and/or service

3. Is relevant to the linked websites

We are entitled to consider and might approve link/other reference requests form the following categories:

a. Well-known consumers/businesses’ information resources

b. Community website dot.com

c. Charity groups

d. Online directory

e. Internet portal

f. Accounting, legal, and counsultant firms

g. Education institution

h. Business association

We might approve link/other reference requests from tha aforementioned parties after considering the following:

a) The link/reference will not defile the name of PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium in any way

b) The parties do not have negative track records with us

c) The parties provide benefits for PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium

d) The link/reference is in public domain

e) The link/reference is not used to commit fraud or other negative objectives

f) The link/reference does not imply erroneous endorsement, support, or approval from relevant parties and products and/or service

g) The link/reference is relevant to the context of the linked parties

If you are among the aforementioned list and interested in linking to our website, you can inform us by sending an email to PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium. Please provide your name, organization/company, contact information, and your website URL and other URLs you would like to link to our website, and a list of URLs on our website you would like to link. Lastly, PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium will consider your request.

Approved requests can make hyperlink/reference to www.lmametal.com with the following conditions:

  • Using our company name, or
  • Using link, or
  • Using other description from our linked pages on our website in accordance to the context and content format on the linking website.


The use of Luxurium logo or PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium logo or other artwork is not permissable unless there is a trademark license agreement.


Without prior written permission, you are not allowed create frames on our website in any way which might alter our website visual presentation or display.

Content Obligations

PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium is not responsible for any contents which might appear on your website. You agree to protect and defend us from all claims emerged on your website. There should not be any links on any website which might be taken as defamation, obscene acts, crime, or any violations of the laws, support of law violations, or other violations of any parties.

Reservation of Rights

PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium is entitled to ask you to remove all or certain links to our website. You must also agree to immediately remove all links to our website as per our request. Our company is also entitled to change the terms and conditions as well as linking policy anytime without prior notice. By linking to www.lmametal.com, you are bound and agree to follow all the linking policy.

Removal of Links from www.lmametal.com

Should you find any links on our website which show offensive remarks based on clear grounds, you can inform us through the contacts listed on www.lmametal.com. PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium will consider your request to remove the link if the reason is acceptable, but we are not obliged to further respond to you directly.


As far as it is permitted by the regulations, PT. Langgeng Makmur Aluminium exclude all representation, guarantee, and conditions related to our website and its use. There is nothing in this disclaimer which will:

– Restrict or exclude our or your responsibility for death or personal injury;

– Restrict or exclude our or your responsibility for fraud or misleading statement;

– Restrict our or your obligations in any way which are not permissable by the law; or

– Exclude our or your obligations which might not be excluded by the law.

Restrictions and prohibitions ruled in this part and in other parts of this disclaimer:

(a) Comply with the previous paragraphs; and

(b) Regulate all obligations emerged in accordance to the disclaimer, including those emerged in contracts, losses, and violations of legal obligations.

As the website and service information on the website is provided for free, we are not responsible for any loss or damage.